Has Madonna Had Cosmetic Surgery?

One of the most recognisable icons in modern pop culture, Madonna (born Madonna Louise Ciccone on August 16 1958), is a world-famous US singer-songwriter, businesswoman and actress.

Following the release of her debut album in 1983, she shot to success through a string of hit songs, boosted by her showmanship and innovative and controversial music videos.

To date, she has sMadonna - had she has plastic surgery? old over 300 million records globally and is the highest-selling female artist of all time.

Known for constantly reinventing her image, she has also enjoyed success in acting, and won a Golden Globe for Best Actress for her role in 1996′s Evita.

Madonna Still Looking Youthful In Middle Age

Most women as they age become concerned about the increasing appearance of wrinkles and fine lines as skin loses its elasticity.

As a result, celebrity plastic surgery rumors become the norm for any actress or star once she reaches her forties – and sometimes even younger.

However, Madonna has been the subject of particular scrutiny and speculation about possible surgical enhancement over the last few years.

Despite being in her fifties, her face has remained very youthful and wrinkle-free – the face of a woman twenty years her junior.

In 2007, Madonna caused waves at the Oscars because of her remarkably refreshed appearance, which led to rapid speculation that she had undergone multiple facial cosmetic procedures (known as ‘mini face-lifts’) or laser resurfacing facial operations.

Aesthetic surgeon Dr Andrew Douglas suspects that she has had Botox injections, as well as a facelift with volume restoration, possibly using a collagen replacer.

Others speculate that she has had temporary hyaluronic acid fillers to lift her cheeks, as well as blepharoplasty (surgery on the lower and upper eyelids), collagen injections in her lips, a neck lift, or a chin enhancement.

Rumors of rhinoplasty (a nose job) have followed Madonna since the early 90s.
Madonna – Before & After Pictures

Over the years Madonna has insisted that she has not undergone any procedures; but recently told a friend that she has ditched the surgical treatments, fearing that they are making her appear ‘a freak’.

There is certainly a dramatic difference: her forehead, eyes and cheeks lack the lines you would expect of a woman in her fifties, her face is fuller than it was ten years ago, her upper eyelids appear much tighter, her lips have the classic ‘bee-stung’ appearance, and her nose now appears sculpted and sharper.
A Case of Madonna Surgery Gone Wrong?

Examples of surgery gone wrong are all too common in Hollywood.

For Daryl Hannah, plastic surgery produced a puffy appearance to the face; for Linda Evans it led to an overload of facial fillers.

Madonna has been the subject of photos of celebrity plastic surgery gone wrong, with many commentators suggesting that she has had one awful plastic surgery procedure too many.

In November 2011 Madonna was said to have been upset by remarks at the Venice Film Festival about her noticeably fuller cheeks and slightly cat-like appearance (called ‘pillow-face’), a common sign of overuse of injectible fillers.

Madonna herself said, ‘Sometimes, photographs that I see, I just think who that is? I don’t know that girl.’

Besides her amazing physical structure, her hands reveal another story. Hands always age faster than our face. So, hands are the first body parts that tell out one’s true age.
There are few Plastic Surgery treatments for our hands.

We can get fat injections on our hands and some conditioning treatments for the skin of our hands, but they are not as effective as that have been developed for our face. In comparison to face they can be easily identified.

Madonna has been known to have Plastic Surgery in the past 2007, at the Oscars, when she shocked her audiences with her unbeleivabley refreshed look, which led the rumors to be wild that she underwent a series of Facial Cosmetic Surgeries (Mini Face-Lift), Botox Injections or Laser Facial Procedures. Only few years ago, Madonna had some serious lines around her nose and forehead regions.
Looser skin seems to be appeared at the jaw line. This is the normal and natural way of ageing. The lack of these normal age-related facial changes signals a potential small Mini FaceLift, which involves the tightening the facial muscles & the removal of excess skin.
Comparing her hands, it becomes quite realistic that her rest body has probably aged. The lack of wrinkles around her fore head and crow’s feet around her eyes' area are an indication of  her Botox Injections & Restylane Injections. Madonna has a new head as she has got the Botox in her head and there are no lines on her forehead. Totally a smooth forehead, suggests about of Botox Treatment.
It is not a secret  that besides performing every exercise trick, Madonna has also undergone Plastic Surgeries to keep her young.

It was reported that Madonna had sapphire and diamond treatment. These are procedures in which the skin is exfoliated and a serum is applied. In sapphire and diamond treatment, a tool coated with sapphire crystals aggressively rubs the skin, removing the dead cells of the skin. This results patients looking red & shiny because a layer of skin has been removed.

Madonna had a new Laser Treatment called as Fractional Resurfacing. Its main function is to tighten the skin, removes the wrinkles, which results great skin with no sunspots.

Along with the mini- lift she had undergone Rhinoplasty (Nose Job), as she has been accused of some nose slimy way back in 1990’s also. Her nose  looks different and slimy after looking the before and after pictures.

Along with mini facelift, laser treatments, nose job, she has been linked with a possible Breast Implants/Augmentation. The rumors got wild when Madonna had seemingly grown by a cup size, when compared to her smaller chest in early 2006. However, it is quite possible that Madonna’s busty look of recent is because of Push Up Bras and Chicken Cutlets